One excellent way to improve your financial profile is to buy a home of your own. But we won't lie: It's a long and potentially incredibly stressful process, especially when it comes to the dollars and cents of securing a mortgage loan. So how do you navigate the stress of the journey in order to reach Destination Homeowner? There's a lot that's within your control to help ease some of that stress and make the whole thing a little bit easier. If you take a few steps upfront to manage the financial details early, you'll thank yourself on moving day. Get pre-approved for a mortgage Getting your mortgage loan is arguably the most labor-intensive aspect of buying a home. You'll have to submit documents that show your income and expenses, including tax returns, bank statements, paystubs, and more. A mortgage pre-approval is much more involved than its lighter cousin, the mortgage pre-qualification. But a pre-approval will help you understand exactly how...
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